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Iman Shahabi-Ghahfarrokhi

محبوبه حسن نيا كلايي، فرامرز خدائيان، رضوان پوراحمد، ايمان شهابي قهفرخي
بررسي خواص كاربردي فيلم مركب خوراكي بر پايه تركيب پروتئين آب پنير- پولولان
Functional Properties of Composite Edible Film Based Made with Whey Protein-Pullulan

Proteins and polysaccharides are suitable sources for the production of edible film. In this research, whey protein isolate was combined with pullulan at different ratios (30:70, 50:50, 70:30). The film was prepared using the casting method. The mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation at break) and physical properties (moisture content, solubility in water, water vapor permeability, thickness, total color difference) of the film were evaluated. The results showed that water vapor permeability decreased solubility in water for the film with the 50:50 ratio. The tensile strength and total color difference was highest at this concentration. There was no significant change in moisture content. An increase in pullulan increased elongation at break and decreased thickness. Scanning electron micrography of the film showed a homogeneous structure of the composite film without signs of phase separation between film edges. This indicates that the two components were compatible.



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