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Nasrollah Abbassi

 Bayat Gol, A., Abbassi, N., Mahboubi, A., Moussavi-Harami, R., Amin Rasouli, H.
Facies Analysis and Environmental Interpretation of Planolites and Palaeophycus Trace Fossils from Paleozoic Sediments of Mid-Iran Zone [in Persian with English abstract].
تحلیل رخساره ای و محیطی اثرفسیل های پالئوفیکوس و پلانولیتس در رسوبات پالئوزوئیک ایران میانی

Some of Paleozoic sediments from Alborz and Central Iran subzones of Middle Iran were evaluated for distinction of Palaeophycus and Planolites ichnofossils. These sediments include Shale Member of Lalun Formation, Shirgesht Formation, Member 5 of Mila Formation and Geiroud Formation.  A diverse ichnofauna  has been found in these  Formations, so Planolites and Palaeophycus are abundant between them. Ichnotaxa diagnosis and some determination problems of these ichnogenera was discussed in this study. Overall characteristics of Palaeophycus suggest dwelling structure made by predator or suspension-feeder and passive sedimentation in the open burrow. Planolites, on the other hand  imply active backfilling structure in ephemeral burrows, which constructed by a mobile deposite-feeder. Planolites include unlined burrows with infilled sediments differ textural from host rock. Whereas Palaeophycus is lined burrow filled by same sediments of surrounding matrix. Accordingly, Palaeophycus assemblage members made by opportunistic communities with r-selected population strategies in physically-controlled and unstable environment, whereas ichnofossils of Planolites assemblage are related to benthic communities with displaying K-selected or climax strategies in the stable environments and rather predictable conditions. Recognized ichnospecies of Planolites are P. montanus, P. annularis, P. terraenovae and P.beverleyensis. and ichnospecies of Palaeophycus include P. heberti, P. tubularis, P. striatus. P. sulcatus and P. alternates.  



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