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Nasrollah Abbassi

Lida Xing, Nasrollah Abbassi, Martin G. Lockley, Hendrik Klein, Songhai Jia, Richard T. McCrea & W. Scott Persons IV
The first record of Anomoepus tracks from the Middle Jurassic of Henan Province, Central China
نخستین گزارش از ردپای Anomoepus   از ژوراسیک میانی استان هنان چین مرکزی

Small, gracile mostly tridactyl tracks from the Middle Jurassic of Henan Province represent the first example of the ichnogenus Anomoepus from this region. They represent a growing number of reports (at least eight) of this ichnogenus from the Jurassic of China. In conjunction with Changpeipus and Eubrontes, they appear characteristic of known global footprint biochrons. Anomoepus indicates the presence of ornithischian dinosaurs that are often scarce or unknown from skeletal remains in coeval deposits. When first discovered, these tracks were informally referred to as bird tracks. This interpretation reflects convergence between small Jurassic Anomoepus and avian theropod tracks that are hitherto known only from the Cretaceous and the Cenozoic. However, most Anomoepus are larger and more robust than any hitherto known Mesozoic avian tracks.



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