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Yousefali Abedini

M. Javaherian, إ. Kakaei, M. Mehrabi and Y. Abedini
Time Series of Solar Coronal Bright Points

Abstract The solar corona is covered by coronal bright points (CBPs) which are observable features in X-ray and extreme ultra violet wavelengths. Since statistical properties of BPs (e.g., size, lifetime) play important role in solar coronal evolution, lots of automatic detection methods and pattern recognition approaches were developed to detect (e.g., region growing function) and track these magnetic structures all over the corona. CBPs are appeared as different morphological structures such as point-like, small-loop, and small active regions in the corona. The properties of BPs can be contained important information about coronal heating. Here, we want to review some significant characteristics of BPs and give an outline about our idea to work with the time series of coronal BPs. Keywords: Sun: corona; Sun: bright point (BP); Technique: region growing



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